
Yellow-throated Warbler

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(1 customer review)


SKU: 180_yellowthroated_warbler. Category: .

Product Description

Yellow-throated Warbler

In summer, male Yellow-throated Warblers display grey upperparts and wings, with double white wing bars. Their throats are yellow, and the remainder of their underparts are white, and are streaked with black on the flanks. Their heads are strongly patterned in black and white, with a long supercilium; the different subspecies may display yellow and white superciliums. Remiges and rectrices are black.[1]

Other plumages of these birds – females immatures and non-breeding males – resemble washed-out versions of the summer males; in particular they have a less crisply defined strong head pattern. They also have less bright yellows, and dark grey feathers instead of black ones in the body plumage. Compared to many other New World warblers, sexual dimorphism is slight however.[1]

The males’ songs are clear, descending whistles. The calls are high sees or sharp chips.[1]

Sample sound


1 review for Yellow-throated Warbler

    5 out of 5


    Great whistling sound!

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