
Bearded woodpecker


SKU: 106_woodpecker_bearded. Category: .

Product Description

Bearded woodpecker

The Bearded woodpecker occurs from central Africa to southern Africa, absent largely from the DRC. It dislikes dense forest, preferring deciduous woodland and savanna. It mainly forages in trees, tapping and probing branches in search of insects, licking them up with its barbed tongue. Both sexes excavate the nest, which is usually a oval-shaped hole in the trunk of a tree, although it has been recorded nesting in fence posts. Here It lays 1-3 eggs, which are incubated by both sexes, for roughly 13 days. The chicks are cared for by both parents, leaving the nest at about 27 days old. The juveniles become fully independent roughly 1-2 months after fledging.

Sample sound



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