
African dusky flycatcher


SKU: 212_dusky_flycatcher. Category: .

Product Description

African dusky flycatcher

The African Dusky Flycatcher is 13 cm long and weighs around 11 gm. Its upperparts are plain brown, with the only facial marking being an indistinct narrow eye-ring. The chin is plain pale grey, and the rest of the underparts are grey-brown with indistinct streaks. The short, straight, laterally flattened bill is black, the legs and feet are grey, and the eyes are brown. The sexes are similar, but the juvenile is spotted with buff above, and is whitish spotted with brown below.

This species is similar to the common migrant, the Spotted Flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, but is smaller and darker, especially on the underparts, than that species. Spotted Flycatcher also has a streaked forehead, a feature not shown by the African Dusky Flycatcher.

The African Dusky Flycatcher has soft, high-pitched “tzeeet” and tsirit calls.

Sample sound



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