Product Description
Detailed area eMap of South Africa
Scale: 1: 1 500 000
Bonus street map of Cape Town, South Africa
Bonus street map of Durban, South Africa
Bonus street map of Johannesburg, South Africa
Bonus street map of Pretoria, South Africa
- Indexed Street Names
- Information Centres and Police Stations
- Major, Main, Tarred and Untarred Roads
- Detailed Topographical Mapping
- Places of Interest and Historical Sites
- Selected Accommodation
- Hospitals
- Airfields and Airports
- Major and Minor Roads
- National Parks and Reserves
- Shipwreck Sites
- Index to Place Names
- Railway lines
- Battlesites
safariclinton1 – :
Great map which helped me get around from the Drakensberg, up Sani pass and to Cape Town.
Nic – :
Greatest maps for self drive tourist holidays!