Product Description
Detailed area eMap of Egypt
Scale: 1: 3 000 000
Bonus street map of Cairo, Egypt
- Indexed Street Names
- Information Centres and Police Stations
- Major, Main, Tarred and Untarred Roads
- Detailed Topographical Mapping
- Places of Interest and Historical Sites
- Selected Accommodation
- Hospitals
- Airfields and Airports
- Major and Minor Roads
- National Parks and Reserves
- Shipwreck Sites
- Index to Place Names
- Railway lines
- Battlesites
safariclinton1 – :
Our family (Family in Africa) used this map to navigate from Nuweiba to the Aswan dam and onto Sudan in our family overland trip. Simply stunning and a great eMap to have. Nic
Nic – :
I used this eMap in 2013 to drive around the Sinai Dahab and Shmal Sheikh fir diving and then onto Cairo and south via the desert.