
Cape reed-warbler


SKU: 118_warbler_reed_cape. Category: .

Product Description

Cape reed-warbler

The Lesser Swamp Warbler or Cape Reed Warbler is a plain coloured smallish bird 14–16 cm long and weighing around 20 gm. Its upperparts are rich brown, and it has a white supercilium. The underparts are white, with a rufous wash to the flanks. The long, strong bill has a slightly down-curved upper mandible; it is blackish-yellow with a yellower base. The legs are blue-grey and the eyes are brown. Adults of both sexes and juvenile birds are very similar in appearance,

The song is rich and melodious, a series of bubbly phrases that include trilling notes, cheerup chee trrreee and a large number of variations, with pauses between phrases.

Sample sound



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